My Story
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My name is Meghan, Nana Fruit Loop (lovingly nicknamed by the kids in our family). I am a mom to two now adult children and a grandma to a beautiful granddaughter with another beautiful granddaughter on the way. I have worked for over 20 years locally helping children, teens and families in one capacity or another. Helping others is what I do. A year ago was the first time I heard the phrase "side hustle". My then boss was talking about it with a coworker of mine, and I listened in out of curiosity. I watched the side hustle vids over the course of about 7 months before one day looking at my husband and saying I'm doing this. For the better part of the last 10 years I worked for a local non profit that served the children and families in my community. With set yearly budgets & working for a non profit, "taking money off the table" for staff was a minimal process for them and the expectation was that we did what we did for the organization because we loved what we do, loving my work I definitely did. You can see how that could lead to trouble living outside of a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle,, especially with rising costs of living. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved what I was doing for a living and for the first time I had a job that I was passionate about, but that's when my life took a monumental turn and suddenly we were raising our then infant granddaughter. Suddenly I needed the time freedom that all the affiliate's talked about in their videos, and that's when I made the leap. I was already in a leadership role locally in my job, I thought to myself why can't I provide the same leadership and value on a bigger scale with more reach by taking my skills online.
2024 Update: we've taking in our second granddaughter as well. I am so grateful to be in a position to take in and care for both our beautiful granddaughters. When life throws a curve ball, being able to roll with it and adapt is important. I can help you do the same with all life's challenges.
How I changed my Stars & how you can too
The Challenge that changed my life
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My story doesn't end there. This isn't a get rich overnight kind of changing your starts story. I remember one of my favorite quotes "Dreams only work if you do." And that applies here. It's also important to remember that no two journeys are the same. For me, as soon as I made my commitment to raising my granddaughter and started my side hustle my immediate supervisor fell back into the ogre management model and purposely made my work life harder, demanding more and more of my time and demanding that their salaried leaders be flexible, lecturing that HR only allowed an 8 hour work day at work while also stating good leaders take work home, you can see the conflict in that statement. That boss found an issue no matter what, her issue with me her personal issue and nothing I actually did. My last wow moment was when I was denied time off for the court date to take guardianship of my granddaughter. That's when I made my side hustle my full time and built my own business. I tell you this because I believe in honesty, integrity and keeping it real. I also advise you to look at your own financial responsibilities and side hustle scalability before leaving your 9-5. I work everyday, on my time though. I have the time freedom to keep all commitments for my now toddler granddaughter and keep doing what I love, helping others achieve financial and time freedom, and unlocking their leadership skills. The best part of this proven business model is the ability to scale and grow, all while helping others do the same. I have the ability to keep serving my purpose of helping others find the leader in themselves, and being able to achieve their dreams with hard work and time freedom. Are you ready to invest in yourself and your dreams? I've put together a FREE ebook titled Changing Your Stars, that contains all the info to get started the same way I did. Your CAN bring your dreams to fruition, you CAN have financial and time freedom, you CAN work hard for your owm dreams instead of someone else's dream. Believe in yourself, I believe in you and you're not alone. Click the link to your your FREE ebook TODAY!